October 11, 2023

Meeting the Devil: A Profound Encounter That Changed My Perspective

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I met the Devil once, and had a fascinating conversation with them.

During our conversation, I asked if evil is real, and their response was simple: 'Look around, and you'll find your answer.'

Intrigued, I dug further, questioning the existence of evil. Their reply struck me deeply:

'Good cannot exist without evil, just as light cannot shine without darkness. Joy finds meaning through suffering, and art thrives in those who embrace both extremes.'

Inspired by this profound encounter, I created this painting.

A painting representing High Sensivity and Extreme Emotions
Conversation with the Devil, by Emmanuel Renton Fortunati

The article summary:
Dive with me into a thought-provoking encounter...

In this article, I'll share my extraordinary encounter with the Devil, which unfolded while I delved deep into my own dark side. This profound experience has left an indelible mark on both my artistic path and my personal journey, offering fresh perspectives on the meaning of life and my role in the vast universe.

So, how did I meet the Devil? You may ask.

You can't just find their number in the yellow pages, nor can you contact them on Instagram.

Well, I accidentally bumped into the Devil while exploring my 'Dark Side.'

I'm not sure if you're aware, but a person's dark side is a trait that is often kept hidden, sometimes out of fear of judgment and other times because it can be frightening.

The dark side is usually buried deep in a person's unconscious mind, which is a shame because it often represents a person's best characteristics, misunderstood.

A long time ago, I explored my dark side during a personal development training, which was focused on my sexuality and sexual orientation.

But I later discovered that the dark side isn't just one thing; it's more like a land with many different areas. So, I decided it was time to explore it again.

I just wanted to uncover what I've been desperately hiding from myself. I'm now in a place where I can fully accept myself for who I am, and I want to be whole.

Not wanting to attend another training, I set the intention to meet my Dark Side. I took a canvas and entered a deep meditative state.

With my eyes closed, I embarked on a journey into the Inner World, where various guides showed me fragments of visions, which I immediately transferred onto the canvas.

See also  High Sensitivity and Extreme Emotions: The Price of Being an Artist

What I later realized is that I was drawing a map to the place in the Inner World where my Dark Side resided.

The entire experience felt very physical: I felt dizzy, had a stomachache, and sometimes I would shake and feel completely out of sorts.

This continued until I encountered a final guide who put me in touch with my Dark Side.

At that point, I felt the experience was over, as my dark side was now obvious to me.

But I sensed there was still some energy in the painting, so I decided to sit in front of it and see what would happen.

A few minutes later, I wasn't in my studio anymore, but in the void, in the presence of the Devil.

I sensed it was the Devil (don't ask me how; I sometimes just sense things), but to be sure, I asked them, and they confirmed.

To my surprise, I didn't feel scared; I felt curious to know more about them.

So I asked them about evil, and I received an amazing answer that made me at peace with the way the world is: a place full of both good and bad.

I have to say that it has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life, comparable to when I met God during another similar experience.

Until that moment, I had never truly understood why there's so much evil in the world, and I always assumed the Devil was a purely malevolent character.

Now, I see that they are just part of how the Universe is designed, and they simply act in accordance with higher forces, much like all of us.

Since I've started to paint in connection with this powerful spiritual energy, I find myself traveling to the most transformative places within the Inner World, and my life is changing and evolving at the speed of light.

I now have answers about the meaning of life, my place in the world, and my purpose here.

I've experienced wholeness, oneness, infinity, and eternity.

And I truly cannot wait for the next experience!

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Hello, I'm Renton, or you can call me Eman if you prefer.

I'm the person and spirit behind Where Art Meets Spirituality, and my purpose is to share my life and spiritual journey through the medium of art.

Whether you're an observer or an artist yourself, art offers a remarkable way to perceive the world, live life to the fullest, and evolve into the most incredible version of yourself.


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We are all on a journey of self-exploration and discovery, embarking first on the human journey and then continuing into the spiritual realm.

Through my art, I seek to initiate a dialogue about life and spirituality, encouraging us to share our individual journeys and grow collectively.

Together, we can work towards leaving a more conscious and spiritual world for future generations.


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